
Cover the World in Prayer

The Goal

The clock is ticking.

Prayer.Global seeks to encourage extraordinary prayer for the fulfillment of the Great Commission in our generation.

But how?

The Race

Like a race, we pray with urgency and focus as we seek to complete laps by covering the entire world in prayer. An interactive map gives us real time updates on who we’ve prayed for and stats on our collective prayer lap status.

Our Strategy

Prayer.Global has broken the world down into 4,770 states based on geographical and governmental boundaries.
When you press the Start Praying button, location specific prayer fuel will help guide your prayers for each of these regions.
Then, watch on the map as our united prayers light up the darkness.

Current Status

Prayer Laps

Our first global race started year and days ago and we’ve completed laps together so far.

Lap Time Elapsed

The Finish Line

With each prayer lap we complete, we are that much closer to ushering in God’s Kingdom and the return of Jesus Christ!
Click Start Praying to start your Prayer.Global experience today!

Ready. Set.


Cover the World in Prayer

Global Race Stats

Total Elapsed Time
Laps Completed

Total Intercessors


Current Lap Elapsed Time


Places Covered
of 4770 Current Map